I discovered a secret related to health.
I have been involved for fifty-eight years in the study and regular practice of karate. As a result, I discovered a secret related to health. I have not been sick, not even for a day for over forty years. Forty Years of Karate Wellness and Health It has been aided by numerous activities, both physical and intellectual. Forty Years of Karate Wellness and Health have afforded me a grand opportunity. This grand opportunity allows me to consistently be where I wanted and needed to be. The knowledge collected and implementation thru a dynamic lifestyle have led to my healthy enjoyment throughout the years. Throughout the years, I have been fortunate to have the health and motivation to serve others. In addition to serving, I have the opportunity to be involved in personal development. Furthermore, part of that personal development has been the development of my karate skills.
Your spirit learns in a different way than does your intellect.
Secret related to health. “Fear Not”
The Joyful Truth is You are a Divine Son or Daughter of Heavenly Parents.
20 seconds of Intense Exercise I have been incorporating this concept in my exercise for 15 months. I had a stroke and lost balance and vision that I used to possess. I have found that body composition has remained fairly constant. Back in 2020 at the start of the Covid 19, I decided to reduce body fat. I restricted my dietary intake. I lost twenty pounds and have managed to keep it off. I think adding 20+ minutes of continuous aerobic exercise a few times (3-4) times a week is a good idea, Adding the 20 minutes takes such a small investment of time. Incidentally, that small investment of time along with reducing food intake contributes to fitness and thinness. The fitness and thinness is a major factor in health, not to mention the beauty it adds to the collection of things you possess.

For “there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding,”4 and the Spirit of Christ “giveth light to every human that cometh into the world.”5
The real search for the secret related to health began with a marvelous statement. The statement is “You don’t have to accept that. Eventually, the search for the secret seriously began. Later the thought came to my mind “What if she is right” Now that question deserves an answer. Ever gaining knowledge without getting closer to the truth is so futile. Therefore, the question “What if she is right” requires an answer. Fortunately, the choice is yours.
I truly hope
I truly hope, if you desire, that you are able to develop high level karate skills. Should this be, as development of high level karate skills increase enjoyment will flow into your life. The enjoyment becomes a part of you and your lifestyle as you keep your life in balance.
Keeping Your Life in Balance
I borrowed from a wise man to help with this topic. Wisely chose what you will use. Hopefully these ideas will will help with your Forty Years of Karate Wellness – and Health. Seek out and find great knowledge and wisdom. I congratulate you for being here. I truly hope for your many years of Health, Wealth, Success and Happiness.
- Establish Priorities
- Set Attainable Goals
- Take Care of Yourself
- Build Relationships
- Serve Others
- Budget Wisely
- Your time even more importantly than your Money
- Build Relationships
- Study the Scriptures
- Take Care of Yourself
- Live the Gospel
- Pray Often
- I express gratitude to Elder M. Russell Ballard
Unfortunate Programing
What excuse does society generally accept to miss work or school. Sickness is normally that excuse. As a child, the child knows that mommy and/or daddy will only accept the I am not feeling well statement. That statement is used often when the child desires to stay home and away from school. That same “I am not feeling well” untruthful statement is used when people do not want to stay away from work for the day.
But in our society is there anything more widespread than the tendency to lie and deceive?
Recognition of the society acceptance of “I am sick” true or untrue has made I am sick acceptable. Implementation of a Wellness Leave rather than Sick Leave policy certainly has the possibility of increased wellness. At least employment attendance would improve. Honesty among employees would improve, which would improve honesty elsewhere. Karate properly taught and applied in one’s life dramatically improves the odds lifetime wellness.
Intelligent Decisions for Physical wellness
Exercise Regularly Karate is a great choice.
Eat a sensible diet Learn to eat and drink only what your body needs.
Great Attitude Everyone has to decide for themselves.
Eliminate Negative Stress
Without Karate, the miracles that were endowed would not have been bestowed. The karate was accompanied by Majesty. Explore Karate Brand website and visit regularly to add inspiration to your life and lives of others. Knowledge gained thru experience led to the miracles. Guidance by powers that remain a mystery until a transformation occurs is totally awe inspiring.
THE Evolving Goal of Karate Brand website: To seek and achieve understanding thru information and application thru regular practice. That goal requires considerable effort. The effort requires organization, research and presentation of both in understandable presentation

Help Everyone get better. Teach:
- Create a routine of regular practice and preparation.
- See your karate in the big picture – See your Life in the big picture.
- The big picture includes past, present and future.
- Prioritize your activities by doing the most important things.
- Your spirit learns in a different way than does your intellect.
Improve in dimensions of wellness. Without Karate, the miracles that were endowed would not have been bestowed.
- Exercise Regularly Karate is a great choice.
- Eat a sensible diet Learn to eat and drink only what your body needs.
- Great Attitude Everyone has to decide for themselves.
- Eliminate Negative Stress
Physical wellness is truly enhanced by the movements of Karate. Karate Brand encourages use of supplemental exercises to further enhance skills to improve performance of karate movements. Components of Fitness A variety of karate performances are required to ensure physical wellness is achieved and maintained using Karate primarily.
- Body Composition:
- Cardiorespiratory (Aerobic) Endurance:
- Muscular Strength:
- Muscular Endurance:
- Muscular Endurance:

Spiritual wellness Karate Brand offers many posts that help with Spiritual thought. The “do” of Ron Maxey’s Karate-do will become apparent in the posts.

Social Karate can be a social or solitary activity. Both are highly recommended. Going to class regularly will help you form relationships. Those relationships can last for years. Be intelligent about the relationships that you choose to invest considerable amounts of time to nurture. The intelligent aspect should be there in any and all relationships.
The solitary activity is the time you are wise enough to invest intelligently in yourself. Intelligent time invested in yourself will absolutely be time resulting in tremendous growth. From that growth you should not be surprised when wisdom is cultivated. You will become focused on what is most important. If involvement and service to others becomes most important, use your solitary time to prepare for the social interactions. The planning will improve the time you spend with people. You will also be refreshed and inspired in ways not possible otherwise.
Emotional Great emotional wellness allows close to perfection in handling both positive and negative emotions. Gaining knowledge and personal development comes from handling emotions successfully. Karate students deal with challenges with new and unique learning experiences. They also deal will people that come from numerous backgrounds. The people have multiple reasons for enrolling in karate classes. The reasons for staying vary from student to student.
Karate Brand teaches techniques to minimize negative emotions as they practice with students and instructors. Additionally, emotional wellness includes learning and growing from these emotional experiences. In addition to, understanding and controlling your emotional responses it will prepare you for unanticipated situations. Those experiences grant you power in expression and personal control. Confidence grows with dealing with all your emotions, furthermore others confidence will grow in your knowledge and abilities.
Your credibility increases, as others confidence grows in your knowledge and abilities. Additionally, your credibility improves your ability to lead and inspire people to do good.
Intellectual wellness deals with learning that comes purposefully or incidentally. Karate is a great method for learning new and hopefully rewarding information.
Occupational wellness deals with the work that is performed. Karate students that become highly skilled and filled with information often become Karate instructors and operate their own schools.
Financial Wellness
is extremely important in modern society. Skillfully crafted Karate programs with wise instructors help students understand preparation for financial wellness. Modern society equipped with internet has produced many wealthy people. In fact, some of the wealthiest use the internet to secure almost unbelievable wealthy. Karate Brand would suggest Karate students learn to earn via the internet. Wealthy Affiliate offers great training. The community within WA (Wealthy Affiliate) is incredibly helpful. Join us.