Karate Teacher – Getting Better

It is better to be lonely at the top, than lost in the clutter of mediocre minds.

What is Self-development

Succinct and Penetrating

Succinct: briefly and clearly expressed and Penetrating: able to make a way thru or into something.

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Succinct and Penetrating are words that define concepts are lacking in so much of the instructional materials that are at our disposal. In reading a theoretically highly educated about the topic of opposition in all things, I was baffled (totally bewildered or perplexed). I was baffled that after hours of attempting to understand that I was more confused than when I began. If I as a theoretically educated person am that confused, can one imagine what a theoretically uneducated person must feel.

All Teachers including Karate Teachers must Get Better.

Even the best students have a struggle to understand and improve. Are we adequately prepared when we do not know how help our students understand and find success.

I made a response to Dalton on Wealthy Affiliate.
After the response, I will relate the response to Karate.

I am a better editor than a writer. After writing something, reread it and see if it means what you say.  Write it and come back later, read it and make the changes you think are necessary.  The grammar checkers here will help your writing skills.

Image result for skillful writer images

In your life, you can change whatever, whenever you want seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months and even years later. It is your choice.

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Personal Responsibility

Perseverance in Karate practice overtime will improve proficiency and skills, in karate. Perseverance

The 6 benefits of perseverance:

  • helps you grow and reach your full potential
  • promotes self-confidence and strength of character growth
  • turns practices into a learning opportunity
  • puts you in a greater position to succeed
  • creates trust with those around you
  • enables you to inspire others

Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility is definitely an individual thing as the word personal indicates.

Positive Influence

During this time period, Ron was also introduced to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Based on negative influence by possibly well-meaning adults lacking pure revelation and truth, Ron had been misled. In another area Ron floundered. In his youth and unfortunately like multitudes of youth and children he was misled. Fortunately, being misled and floundering can be corrected. Some of the correction that led to Ron’s Amazing Dynamic Beautiful Karate Story in finding, understanding and abiding by correct principles.

Happiness and Meaning

Many individuals stop persevering because they have failed. But if you can overcome failure and continue to push towards your desires, you will find more meaning and happiness in your life. Many individuals stop persevering because they have failed. But if you can overcome failure and continue to push towards your desires, you will find more meaning and happiness in your life. What does it mean to find more meaning and happiness in your life.? The correlation between the two may mean the more meaning we find in life and more happiness we have also. Consequently, the more happiness we have in life, the more we will seek meaning. There is much written about pursuit of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The pursuit of happiness would definitely be different for others than for yourself. Be not dismayed when you can not understand what makes others happy. They in turn may not understand what makes you happy.

Perseverance in whatever you choose to do improves Proficiency and Skills.

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Karate Students and Instructors

I may also be a better editor of movement than a performer. I have an understanding of how to see great and not so great performances in Karate Students.  It comes from years of Personal Intelligent Work developing my skills both as a Karate Ka (one that performs karate) and as a teacher both of karate and other subjects. Practice with the purpose of getting better and do not go alone.  Bring someone with you.  Focus on one thing at a time. It is the best anyone can do. You can focus on teaching many at once but focus on the purpose of getting better.

Every time one person gets better, so does everyone else. Incidentally, when one person gets better the world gets better.  Improve one, even if that one is you.  Faith, Hope, Charity and Intelligent Work are followed by Miracles.  I promise you the last statement is true. Implement it and you will understand for yourself.  You are a daughter or son of God and are blessed with Great Intelligence. Use it. Besides, others will bless your life by helping and being wise enough to allow you to struggle when you need it. Seek out the wise and humble people and you will bless their lives in return. Image result for image of wise 


An editor looks at and comes to understand what needs to be changed to make a written work better. A teacher offers information that a student can accept or reject. The student accepts and use the information in order to improve some aspect of their life.   A Karate teacher offers information, then demonstrates what the information means.  Another option is to have another person demonstrate then comment on the demonstration. The comments clarify methods that when used provide student ways to execute the methods to improve their skills.

Students do yourself a great service and choose an instructor (Sensei) who at least fits the above stated and following statement. Again, seek out the wise and humble people and you will bless their lives in return. Those wise and humble people need to understand how to edit your karate performances.  Instructors need to encourage you to be better when you return to class. As they challenge you to improve yourself, they will also challenge you to help other karate students.  You will be challenged to extend that same teaching to all people you encounter.

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Cardiovascular-Respiratory Endurance improvement


Similar to Adults


  • Adult benefits
  • Build Healthier Bodies
See the source image
Need to add additional strength training
  • Develop Self Confidence
  • Enhance Self Image
  • Develop Focus & Listening Skills
  • Improve Self Discipline
  • Learn to pay attention
  • Learn to control body while moving
  • Learn about and develop Karate Skills
  • Make friends

Furthermore, take personal responsibility realizing the important aspects of life are up to you. Your education, health and happiness are yours to determine.

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