Faith, Hope, Charity and Intelligent work- are followed by Miracles.

Focus on Intelligent Work for Karate

Focus on Intelligent Work for Karate

My involvement in karate requires a particle of faith to practice. I want to improve my karate skills and my persona. development. I believe the work will bring results. I work, I improve and now I have knowledge that the intelligent work is followed by Miracles. The miracles are the progress I gain in Karate Skills and Personal Development.

Intelligent Work for the Living and the Dead

Faith, Hope, Charity and Intelligent Work – are followed by Miracles. This is a topic that might well demand volumes of manuscripts to adequately address. A challenge to all Karate Instructors and their students is to fully understand this topic. The Challenge expands and extends to everyone. Understanding this topic and your application of said principles will enhance everything is your life. Your Personal Development and High-Level Skills in karate and life will grow beyond your highest expectations. I Promise.

Some might wonder what Faith, Hope, and Charity have to do with Karate. Karate, as practiced by the author, has everything to becoming the greatest Karate-ka possible.

Without powerful principles:

  • Faith:  Principle of Power
  • Hope: Powerful desire accompanied by feeling expecting a certain outcome
  • Charity: Pure Love
  • Desire: Powerfully wish for something to become reality
  • Discipline: Pattern of behavior used in training
  • Intelligent Work: I will revisit this definition.
  • Miracles:
  • Others

Miracles: Surprising welcome events or occurrences not explicable by natural or scientific laws

Very little or no positive personal development will be manifest in the lives most individuals. That is beyond that required for their selfish aspirations. Positive personal development requires that you reinforce Positive personal development in others. The greatest Karate people I know assisted others on their path to greatness.

Faith relates to Intelligent Work

Karate students would do well to understand the power that faith brings to Personal development and High-level skills.
Faith is a principle of power that drives beyond that which we can realize and understand.

“Faith in its true signification is more than the moving cause pursuant to which men and angels act. It is also a principle of power. Faith is power. And where there is power, there is faith; and where there is no power, there is no faith. Thus, Joseph Smith continues: ‘Faith is not only the principle of action, but of power also, in all intelligent beings, whether in heaven or on earth.’ Faith applies in all spheres. All intelligent beings—be they gods, angels, spirits, or men—all operate by its power” (A New Witness for the Articles of Faith [1985], 164).

Faith is a force to be reckoned with in all aspects of our existence.  It is infinite and eternal. 

We being to realize that infinite and eternal faith allows all that is positive in our lives to become manifest. Amazing and astonishing accomplishments occur and/or become manifest as we implement the principle of faith in all we do. It is part of our Magnificent Struggle.

accomplished as we implement the principle of faith in all we do.

Hope relates to Intelligent Work

Happiness is related to hope. Happiness seems to be a pursuit of most people. Therefore, the intelligent among us understand that happiness is something that does not just happen. It is a trait that requires correct action. Hope combined with faith leads one to perform intelligent work. Charity has been noted as the pure love of Christ. If that concept is beyond your desire, let us state that Charity is the pure love Christ, which we are required to impart to others.  It is doing everything you can to help people get better. It is also being totally committed to doing everything in your power to ensure they get better. Prayer is when people talk to God. Revelation is when God talks back.

Ron Maxey

Ron Maxey is a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Although, he was not a member from birth, being a member is similar to having a second family. Members have a way of taking care of each other, At least that is the way it is designed. When Ron goes to church, they tell me “Ron you should love everyone”. I do not even like most people. Ron has struggled for years to understand what loves means.  A few months ago, it was revealed to Ron what love is. It is doing everything you can to help people get better. Followed by doing everything in your power to insure they get better.

Prayer is when people talk to God. Revelation is when God talks back.

Despair drains from us all that is vibrant and joyful and leaves behind the empty remnants of what life was meant to be. Despair kills ambition, advances sickness, pollutes the soul, and deadens the heart. Despair can seem like a staircase that leads only and forever downward.

Hope, on the other hand, is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances. It pierces the darkness with a brilliant dawn. It encourages and inspires us to place our trust in the loving care of an eternal Heavenly Father, who has prepared a way for those who seek for eternal truth in a world of relativism, confusion, and of fear.

Without hope there would be lack of motivation for work that could limit or eliminate positive outcomes, unfortunately.

Charity relates to Intelligent Work

Charity is the greatest of all the afore-mentioned powerful and dynamic principles.  The master claims that charity is pure love.  When one thinks about the conditions in the world in 2021 there may certainly be a lack of love.  By the definitions and allegations related to the word love understanding even what it is becomes or remains unclear. Charity is pure love.  When one thinks about the conditions in the world in 2021 there may certainly be a lack of love. Understanding Charity or Pure Love must be challenging in 2021.  As we communicate, we will come to understand charity and come to practice accordingly. Practicing will bring exceeding joy and great power into our lives.

  • Principle 1: Establish a loving relationship in which correct principles can be taught.
  • Principle 2: Be unified and consistent as Karate Instructors, parents, friends and associates.
  • Never ever stop learning

Desire relates to Intelligent Work

To begin, please understand that Desire is greater than Discipline.

I Promise.

Intelligent Work

We must be purposefully, regularly, anxiously and consistently be engaged in Intelligent Work to gain maximum benefit. Although people can develop in small degrees with small amounts of work great development will not be manifest. “Behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise” stated was by someone wise. Intelligence can improve:

Intelligent Work for Karate – complete the list with your great discoveries.

  • SEEK Divine Guidance ALWAYS
  • Make this list a lifestyle
  • Exercise Karate
  • Eat great Foods
  • Think
  • Believe
  • Make wise choices
  • Eliminate negative stress
  • Embrace eustress (positive stress)
  • Learn new and useful skills
  • Pray – Mediate
  • Challenge yourself regularly

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