Karate Choices – Determine your Destiny

Karate Choices

I was so fortunate to be able to make the choice to be a student in the Yakima School of Karate based in Yakima, Washington. The School was owned and directed by Morris Mack.  He was a Shodan (first degree black belt) when I first enrolled in the School.  It was not officially Yakima School of Karate when I started, rather was a small group that met in a old garage that was converted in to a dojo (karate school).  The classes met on Monday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons.  I only remember about 10-20 students.

If I recall correctly,  there was only  one other  black belt in the school.  His name was and is Russ Sinclair.    I just learned today when I did a google search that Russ has authored a book about Kanken Toyama.  Soon After I started, maybe 6 months Ron Weyer was promoted to Shodan (first degree black belt).  Ron Weyer’s school.  Two state patrolmen, Gary Ang and Paul Berndt were two that later were promoted to black belt.  I have not seen either of these men for many years.  Craig Gilley was promoted to black belt as was Ron Maxey.  Of the 10 to 20 students, in my original group, I have named seven that became certified black belt holders of which five went forward to have their own schools.

In the same year (1966), I made another Great Choice.   I was taught about and joined  the  Church  of Jesus  Christ  of  Latterday  Saints.  All the choices I have made or philosophies I have been exposed to in  my Karate Choices will not give me the opportunities for Salvation, Exaltation and Eternal Life that membership and living the Gospel and the ordinances and covenants  of the  Church  of Jesus  Christ  of  Latter Day  Saints.

People in Karate and those that will enter the study and practice of the karate will make significant karate choices that will have consequences that will have impact on the rest of their life.  I hope one of those choices becomes the same as I have described in the last paragraph.  Beyond that choice some should be:

Fear Not
Choose Wisely

Not only the karate school you choose to be affiliated with, but all the choices you make will have a lastly impact on your life.  The foods you eat, the exercise you engage in and the time you spend.  The people that you spend time around and the quality of that time spent will have enormous influence that will last long past the experiences of the moment.  Some moments have a tiny result on the remainder of ones life, but other moments can have a major

Work Regularly
Work Smart
Work with Energy
Work with Purpose
Work to improve People (especially YOU)
Learn to Rest
  • Choose wisely the school you decide to join.
  • Choose to use karate to enhance the quality of your life.
  • Choose to enhance the quality of the lives of others.
  • Choose a school that teaches and practices karate rather than just a place to socialize.
  • Choose the personal study and practice plan that takes you from where you are and who you are to
  • Becoming Good, better,  best until you arrive at best you can become.
  • Good, better,  best  It is a process and requires work and learning and both are good and will help you become better and eventually the best you can be.
  • Choose to Understand that learning and work, even if it is difficult,  are  very  good.

Do not be in to big of a hurry.  You have the rest of your life.  Life is eternal so you have time,  use time  wisely  and it will  be  your  friend.   Abuse time and see if it is your friend.

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