Karate-Leads and Guides to Self-Mastery

The calmness that attends karate people that acquire serenity avoid precipitous situations. The awareness that solitary or group involvement that the practice of kata bring has benefits. The benefits bring an understanding and confidence about self-awareness and self-defense that come in no other way. In will not happen in an instance but will come over time. The overtime factor improves with regular consistent purposeful movement designed at self-mastery.

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Moving Meditation Promotes Serenity. Serenity is defined as the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. The temple stands as an oasis of serenity amidst the bustling city” The proficient practice of kata stands as an oasis of serenity in the midst of a fighting school. The mastered techniques of Kata and the technically designed Kata application transfer directly to a self-defense or fighting. This transfer is without hesitation and in total calmness. The decisions created in total calmness allows individuals to generate pure intelligence.

Dimensions of Meditation

Dimensions of Meditation

Self-mastery is unlikely to occur in the absence of calmness. Self-mastery requires b

1 Karate and Meditation

Karate methodically stimulates students physically, mentally, and spiritually. Self-defense transcends problems associated with physical abuse. Students learn to develop physical strength and keep their body fit and flexible. Karate is far more than learning self-defense; it’s designed lifestyle educational system. Discover how.

Karate Is

Karate is a systematized method of learning about body movements related to self actualization characteristics .  The most effective techniques are cleverly disguised and hidden inside the exercise forms called Kata.  Most karate-ka (people that practice karate) do not spend adequate time studying to understand what is hidden within the kata or at least what can be discovered by seriously studying and searching for the deeper meanings.  Most rely on the information that their instructors or classmates extend to them.  Usually, both, the instructors and classmates have not gained the understanding that serious purposeful training and study reveal.  



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Karate for password

Karate Wellness has  a primary focus of

educating people concerning Karate and Wellness. 

Karate Wellness desires to make the opportunity available

to everyone. People with limited access to intelligent high

quality instruction and in small communities or people that

would like to learn at their own pace are certainly included.

Program in Development

What Karate teaches Jennifer

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