My Dreams are Big Dreams

  1. My dreams are big dreams

Dreams and the life of Ron Maxey.

My dreams are big dreams, which demand planning and implementation of the plan.  Or is it desire, determination, purpose, persistence overtime, until the dreams start to emerge?

Born the son of migrant farm workers with a third-grade education. They lived in north central Arkansas.

Appreciate your parents Now.

They traveled to the pacific northwest and settled Yakima, WA.

Let me travel down memory lane.

My twin brother was born 50 minutes prior to my birth.  I had my tiny fingers interlaced behind my neck.

I must have liked it where I was, since I was satisfied with my place in time.  The doctor told my mom that he could break one of my arms and the delivery would proceed smoothly.  She told him not to break the arm.

We all need to have appreciation for the small and great things that mothers do without expectation or guarantee that we would ever appreciate any of those little miracle’s mothers bring into our lives.

After birth

My fingers were still in the positioning behind my head and I was totally black and blue.

I survived.

When I was 5 years old, the big boys sat on the edge of the pick-truck See the source imagedriven by my oldest brother Jim.

Of course, knowing of my driven spirit that I was blessed with, I sat on the edge with the big boys. As the pick-up made a quick turn into our 440yard driveway and past the cornfield, my head collided with the with the ground.

My twin ran down the driveway yelling Ron is dead, but I was running just behind him bleeding profusely.  My life blood stained that little space on God’s great earth.  I can only imagine what my mom must have been thinking with my life in serious danger again, with medical assistance far away.  The family lived in a small town that was 28 miles from the hospital. I laid on Mom’s lap as my dad drove the pickup to the hospital.   After the hospital visit and the rides to and from.  I spent the next two weeks in bed.  With support and care from my family, but mostly from my parents I recovered.

I had survived twice.

Dreams sometimes remain dreams.

Other dreams are guided and pursued with desire and determination.

My Karate dreams started in my teenage years with little but a dream.

I was an athlete and a good student. I already understood working to fulfill my desires, but probably not my dreams.  I mostly enjoyed athletic performances realized thru sports.  I guess I just loved to play.  The participation in sports helped me continually experience Joy and Happiness.  It has been said:

“Man is that he might have Joy”.

I started Karate with Morris Mack and joined the Church of Jesus Christ within the same year,

as a teenager.  Two of my best choices were made close to the same time.  Those choices have guided

my life for many years.  The third choice was the choice to pursue Education, that would allow me opportunities

that would remain closed as I remained in ignorance.  Remaining in ignorance would have increased the probability

that I would make stupid choices.  Stupid choices can also happen to each of us that fail to use wisdom.

May great choices guide your life and wisdom light your path.
Heavenly Father is watching Us, all of Us.
Come back for more about My Dreams are Big Dreams.

Ron Maxey

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