New Karate – Online Course

New Karate – And improved fitness

New Karate – A superior way to Develop.

New Karate teaches basic karate techniques, with both hands doing the same thing.

Prepare and proceed to becoming increasing better.

Great leadership, Hard Work and Dedication are The Main Keys for Success.

This simplification will help. It will help with concentration. It will help in focusing on concepts.

There is a better way than just swinging your arms and legs around. There is a better way than just practicing without a directed plan. Speaking of concepts, we will present a few here.

  1. Complete and forceful contraction of the abdominal muscles.
  2. Elevation and depression of the shoulder girdle.
  3. Placement of the shoulder girdle.
  4. Understanding of breathing as it relates to technique.

The program started October 2022. The initial group did 100 days with only three days off.

New Karate – And fitness – Karate Skills (

Here you will see a video New Karate Intro + Fitness.

I will improve the videos with practice.

1. Do this series for 2 minutes or as long you choose. 

NEW Karate INTRO + Fitness.

2. Then do 20-30 seconds of totally intense exercise. (Jumping jacks, sprints, burpees provide examples)

3. Repeat 3-5 times or as many times as you want.

I personally use Jumping Jacks or Sprints. 

We will develop as we go.

Ron Maxey

The design of the program was/is to teach the basics with both hands doing the same thing. The initial sequence Is composed of a starting position, which is an X block in front of the middle of your chest.

The next is to move the from X there to a modified rising block. In this position the X should be at the wrist. After the rising block, we should return to the X chest. The next step is to do a double downward block. The downward block should end with each hand on separate sides of the body. Videos will make this easier to understand.

Videos will make this easier to understand.

Initial New Karate sequence

Initial New Karate Exercise

Next Step is to leave our elbows down as far as we can. Bend elbows up to the outside of the body. From this return to the X in front of the center of the chest. Thanks. Now perform double outside middle block. Return to the X in the center of your chest. At the completion, your elbows should be as low as they can go. Next perform this with elbows as high as possible. Step would be almost exactly like the rising block but is intended to be an outside middle block.

Execute a double short punch. This short punch should take you back to the X position.

Return to the X position in front of the chest. Double knife hand block to the outside of your body. Return to the X position In front of your chest. Leaving your hands in knife hand position, perform the rising block. Now do the double outside knife hand block.

New Karate – And improved fitness – Karate Skills (

New Karate – Implementation Stage One – New Karate (

New Karate – New Karate Support – New Karate (

If your typical excuse for not exercising is a lack of time, you may need a new one. Research has shown that even a four-minute workout – or one that requires as little as seven minutes of your time three times a week – does the same job as 30 minutes of exercise three or more days per week. They key is giving the short workout maximal effort and repeating it several times, which is why it is called High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT.

Great leadership, Intelligent Work and Dedication are The Main Keys for Success.