Karate Ultimate Technique advances one to a new level of proficiency. Proficiency is a high degree of competence or skill.
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Mastery of Karate punching

Earlier in a comment I left a comment related to movement.
You love dancing. Tell the world about it from your unique perspective. Life is wonderful and even better with dance. Whatever You Love Teach the world Why. Wealthy Affiliate has great Training with an educated helpful community.
Mastery of Karate punching can and does happen. It will for you and me. Hopefully, mastery begins soon, is in process or has already become reality. Great information, related to the skill of masterful punching, is required. A brilliant mind combined with disciple and desire are required. Consequently, many karate students will need help developing Karate ultimate technique. Karate ultimate technique being addressed is advanced Punch to Mastery. When teaching the teacher should consider whether to use the whole or part method of instruction. Equally important is what is the purpose of the explanation/instruction. another consideration is the age group that is being addressed. By the same token, there is not a one-fit-all method when effective teaching is part of the reasoning for the presentation of information.
As you continue your journey in Karate, you will begin to understand that you already know most of the things required to practice Karate. The key is how to successfully organize and apply the things you know.
Whole or part method of instruction
Consequently, many karate students will need help developing Karate Ultimate Technique. The truth is almost everyone will need enormous help. On a positive note, most of that astounding help will come from within. Acquistion of information in our 2022 society is not extremely difficult. It will or does demand some effort. The act of arriving at this page and reading the information requires effort.
Work intelligently and enjoy the results.
Those that return and exert the time and effort will move increasing close to Mastery. Congratulations to those. Some will contribute. karate students Karate ultimate technique being addressed is advanced Punch to Mastery. When teaching the teacher should consider whether to use the whole or part method of instruction.
Be patient
Be patient. I will research and refer you to good information, via the internet and other sources related to karate punching. Sometimes the information will be great, and I will reference as such. I am focusing on writing articles but will post videos myself. I will not make attempts to impress you, but to educate. Education is a lifetime pursuit. So, again be patient.
Comprehensive Karate Information
Comprehensive Karate Information
Comprehensive Karate Information is available.
When possible, the whole method should take priority over the part method. If the method of teaching is via video showing the entire skill. Allow the students to practice the whole technique. The whole method allows students to understand what is to be accomplished as we approach utilizing the part method. If the student understanding the application of the entire skill, it is beneficial to use the part method. The part method when teaching karate skills helps students understand at what point in technique certain actions happen.
I believe when writing in used to illustrate karate skills, but not limited karate skills, it is difficult to illustrate if not impossible to capture the whole method of instruction. Consequentially, herein the teaching method is the part method. In live instruction, a good recommendation is to immediately switch to the part method after the initial presentation of the complete technique. This applies to single techniques or a series of techniques. A series of techniques is referred to as Kata.
Whole method instruction avoids spending time combining the parts back into the whole and helps your athletes learn how to use the technique in the context of a contest. However, if the technique is so complex that athletes can’t develop a good mental plan (the first stage of learning), then you should break the technique into parts.
Basic Karate Punching
Typically, learning basic karate punching starts with anticipation of many successful experiences. It may well be your first truly organized karate instruction. Often the student and the instructor are filled with excitement, anticipation and enthusiasm. The thought processes are definitely different for the instructor, than for the student. The student looks forward to what may be in their learning experiences. The learning experiences will lead to skill and personal development based on decisions made. What the thought processes are based upon the student learning and development. The instructor is also focused upon their own personal learning and development. Equally important Equally important is what is the purpose of the explanation/instruction. another consideration is the age group that is being addressed. By the same token, there is not a one-fit-all method when effective teaching is part of the reasoning for the presentation of information.
Typically, karate punching is taught by placing hands palms down with both hands extended forward to the front of the body. The hands may be opened or closed. We will start with the hands open with the palms downwards. Thereafter, we turn the palms upward while moving the arms and fists as far to the rear of our body as possible. During this action we kept the arms close to the sides of our body. At the conclusion of this action our fists should be located near the center of our ribcage. Our fists should be palm up. Move the fists forward, palm up, until our elbows pass the front of our body. Immediately rotate with thumbs moving inward. Continue the inward rotation and extension of the arms until our palms are downward and the shoulders extended. We repeat the actions a few times. We have other points of explanation to present now.
Forming a fist
We have repeated the actions a few times. Forming a fist is accomplished easily. Now we turn the palms up so we can see both palms. Roll all the fingers down to the third joint of the fingers. As we continue to roll our fingers until the fingertips are at the center of the palm. At this point, we move our thumbs across the forefinger and middle finger of the closed hands. We have now successfully formed a fist. It is not something that is new to anyone but celebrate the fact that you already knew how to form a karate fist. You can now categorize the action as forming a Karate Fist.
As you continue your journey in Karate, you will begin to understand that you already know most of the things required to practice Karate. The key is how to successfully organize and apply the things you know.
Continue Punching
We have formed a fist and understand a palm up and palm down placement of the hands. This action will also have an effect upon our forearms. Now from our palm down and fully formed fists we being to learn basic karate punching. This can be a beginning or continuation of our unique learning backward movement experience toward Karate Ultimate Technique. We now rotate our fists palms up. Next, we pull our elbows until they touch the outsides of our bodies. Return the fists forward and at the end of the return rotate the fists palms down.
Rotation of the fists should be at the start of the elbow’s backward movement and at the end of the forward or punching action. It is good to practice this partial punching action. This practice helps the understanding of when the forearm movements should be in the correct palm up or down position. Breaking the action down into pieces allow concentration upon one thing at a time. Practicing from the extended position back to where the elbows are back to the outsides of the body helps students concentrate on the rotation of the fists and forearms.
After that part of practicing the punch, pull both arms back as far as you can. With this backward movement your fists will be placed at the center to upper ribcage. Normally it is taught that the fists should be against your body. Your elbows need to be placed toward the midline of the body when the elbows are pulled behind the body. Start here to write
Forward movement of Punching
After that part of practicing the punch, pull both arms back as far as you can. With this backward movement your fists will be placed at the center to upper ribcage. Normally it is taught that the fists should be against your body. Your elbows need to be placed toward the midline of the body when the elbows are pulled behind the body. Start here to write
As we punch, we move both arms forward until the elbows pass our body. From this palm up position, we rotate our thumbs inward. The inward movement of the thumbs will cause clockwise rotation of the left hand. The right hand will rotate counterclockwise, as both fists move toward a fully extended frontal position. Both palms will be down in the fully extended position. Now repeat the punches with both hands simultaneously. Repeat at whatever speed you desire. Think about the actions you are performing. Mastry of Karate punching does not occur instantaneously.
Time to Punch One hand
We have punched with both hands moving basically the same.
- We will now extend our right hand forward in the fully extended position.
- We place the left hand at the right ribcage.

- Move the left hand forward until the left elbow passes the front of the body.
- Move the right hand backward and rotate the forearm and hand palm up.
- Both hands should be palm up with elbow just forward of the body.
- Pull the right hand backward to the center of the ribcage while,
Move the left hand forward until the left elbow passes the front of the body.
Move the right hand backward and rotate the forearm and hand palm up.
Both hands should be palm up with elbow just forward of the body.
Pull the right hand backward to the center of the ribcage while,
rotating the left hand into fully extended punching position.
Learn each lesson/part of the Punch
Earlier in a comment I left a comment related to movement.
Whatever You love. Life is wonderful and even better with dance.
Things to Consider
Many instructors teach to keep the shoulders square and contract the latissimus dorsi muscles at the end of each punch. I disagree and will explain, but maybe only in person or videos I produce or recommend. Contracting the latissimus dorsi muscles will keep shoulder extension from occurring. They also teach all the muscles of the body should contract at the moment of contact with the target. Transfer of power from one human body requires movement. A total contraction of the body’s muscles halts all movement. Consequentially, a different theory is required to make the punch effective.
Plyometric exercises
Plyometric exercises included with karate exercises teach our bodies to increase strength and speed. Proper use of strength and speed result in the generation power. There are many lower body plyometric exercises that will increase kicking speed and power. Punching power improves with plyometrics. Plyometric push-ups are great.