Relationships-can be Strong and Lasting

The relationships you will experience practicing karate will extend into all areas of your life.  The article was

originally written by the author to explain a concept related to love and romance. Understanding the ideas positively extend to marriage.  Serious thought needs to be incorporated before entering the  the covenants of marriage.  Wise decisions and application of the decisions form a foundation for the marriage. The marriage becomes the the foundation of the family. 

Relationships are like a bottle of milk 

and once they go sour there is no way to make them sweet again. Various theories say when problems arise in a relationship people should work through the problems.  If the relationship has not gone sour, that appears to be good counsel.  If you have a carton of milk that goes bad, what do you do with it?  The bottle left in the refrigerator  and it continues to become increasingly bad. Left long enough, the milk will become putrid.  Generally people pour it down the sink or in the toilet.  Bad relationships deserve the exact same treatment.

The beauty that people deny themselves because their self esteem is so low that they continue to hang onto another person even though they do not even like the person is pathetic.  There are any number of reasons or excuses to continue.  They remain in that pathetic state and refuse to exercise intelligent behavior.  The failure to exhibit intelligent behavior generates a festering effect. The relationship becomes increasing putrid like the cold rotten milk in the refrigerator.  They should exercise intelligent behavior and sparing  oneself and the partner agony and heartache.  Ending the relationship is wiser if no resolution is in sight.

Who in their right mind would put your lips to that putrid bottle of milk and attempt to suck the very last drop from that bottle.  People exhibit even less intelligent behavior as they place their lips to their despised partner.  They suck the life blood from the relationship.  Such insane actions follow the people into their future lives and relationships.  Even when the relationship has come to a point that the best alternative is terminate it.  Those less intelligent persist in prolonging the discord as long as humanly possible.  They continue to think and talk negatively about the relationship.  They do that rather than  let the relationship go and become a part of the past.

When divorce becomes a factor in the dissolution of the relationship, spouses fight over money and other material things.  The fighting continues for extended periods of time and great expense.  The trinkets they battle for are about ego and would be understandable if they really wanted the trinket.  Often they battle more to prevent the other spouse from receiving the item. They care not to obtain it for the value that it represents presently or in the future.

A hot fresh sweet relationship

Beauty enhancing thoughts are needed in relationships, while
practicing karate and extending into life.

Beauty enhancing thoughts are preferable to a cold rotten one that is stuck in the back of the old ice box.  Put forth the effort to have a clean, fresh and appealing environment in your refrigerator.  It holds food for the body and generates a pleasing and satisfying aroma that flows forth each time you approach and open it.  You will be more motivated to go and open it and partake of what it offers.  A refrigerator with that much appeal and pleasing aroma will make your experience one that is looked forward to and experienced with joy and satisfaction. Partake at least on a daily basis if not many times each day.  The most significant relationship in life, with oneself, would be increasingly more meaningful and rewarding.  Apply the refrigerator principle to the relationship to  keep it fresh, clean and sweet smelling  to feed the emotions and the spirit.

Those wonderful thoughts that create those feelings that people treasure and strive for once they have been experienced are protected and cherished.  Protected and cherished from any tarnishing agent.  Tarnishing agents that might make it less than it was at its peak in elegance and grandeur.  Some call it love. With perverted ways the word love has been used to symbolize things far beneath the status of elegance and grandeur.  

Elegance and Grandeur


Elegance: Grace, refinement, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners

Grandeur: Splendor and impressiveness,

The conversation turned to relationships. We spoke about our relationship first form an Eternal perspective. I told Annalise we were Spirit children of God prior to our existence on Earth. I told her that we were here to learn about our divine heritage. I told her we are better than we think and if we come to understand who we really are we will begin to understand that fact.

We discussed the manner in which men should treat women. We personalized it. I told Annalise any man that would not treat her with respect and treat her like she is her greatest woman alive should be eliminated from her life. Annalise and all other women are you are you divine daughters of heavenly parents. Not only do those Daughters of God have not only a father but a mother also. With enthusiasm Annalise expressed she needed to hear this information.

Later I met Annalise boyfriend Martin and told him he should treat her like she was the greatest woman in the world. If Martin does not treat Annalise like she was the greatest woman in the world , she should kick him out of her life. Martin said he treated her that way and Annalise agreed. It was a joy to spend some time with them. I can surely hope they do treat each other in that manner we have spoken.


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