Ron’s Story

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The athletic experiences, not karate, that Ron had as a small boy started by playing and competing against his older brothers, classmates and neighbors.  The experiences lead to getting involved in youth sports leagues primarily is baseball and basketball.  Although Ron was small, but he possessed a strong desire to succeed in sports.  He was a good student academically, but when school was dismissed, he wanted to be involved in sports.  If there was no one to play or practice with together, he discovered ways to practice alone.

At age 10, Ron played little league baseball for Donahue Orchards.  At that age most of the players could not throw a strike.  The team needed a pitcher.  Someone asked if anyone could throw a strike.  Ron wanted to play short stop and never even considered pitching, but Jim Maxey (Ron’s older brother) told the coach that Ron could throw a strike.  Ron’s twin brother Don could also throw a strike, but he was playing second base.   There is much more to the story, but we are here about Ron’s Start in karate.

Wondering how he would find ten people to play basketball or eighteen to play baseball as an adult, Ron searched and found an athletic event he could do for a lifetime in a group or alone.

Ron became interested in karate as a teenager.

His search started with a boy that lived across the street from Ron’s family home.  They practiced techniques they had learned from a book.  Not long after, Ron learned about Morris Mack.  Sensei Mack was teaching at The Women’s Century Club.  Knowing that karate was very rare in the Pacific Northwest he thought it would be very expensive, but he found out much later the dues were only $5.00 monthly.  One could beg, borrow or steal that much.  Better yet, Ron could have earned that much.  Five years later came Ron’s Start in karate.

Karate Brand website
Member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


If I were a wise man, I would know exactly how to welcome All heavenly Father’s children, but you are so unique and different, I will just say

Welcometo Ron’s Story related to Karate

Ron’s Start in Karate-do

Ron became interested in karate as a teenager.

First Dojo
Ron enrolled in Yakima School of Karate 1966.
Owned and operated by Morris Mack.


Brigham Young University

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Director of Karate/Martial Arts

Ron’s Teaching

Brigham Young University
University of Arkansas
El Paso Community College

Private Schools

Yakima, WA
Everett, WA
Provo, Utah


Helping others make us all better.

The Website:

Will reward everyone by:
Enhancing our Joy and Happiness
Increase our education
Improve our karate knowledge
Improve our dimensions of wellness

THE GOAL OF Karate Brand website:

  • Is to help everyone enhance/improve themselves in dimensions of wellness:
  • Physical
  • Spiritual
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  • Emotional
  • Social
  • Environmental 
  • Occupational
  • Financial

All the best,

Faith, Hope, Charity and Intelligent Work is

followed by Miracles.

Ron Maxey
Karate Brand website
Member of Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints

1 thought on “Ron’s STORY”

  1. I have searched for years to find Ron Maxey who was a tremendous influence in my, both in the Art of Karate and for my introduction to Brigham Young University. Ron if you receive this message I want you to know that I Love and Admire you very much. Please reach out if at all possible.

    Dale Taylor
    (801) 709-4304

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