Ron’s Amazing Dynamic Beautiful Karate Story


to Ron’s Amazing Beautiful Karate Story

If I were a wise man, I would know exactly how to welcome All Heavenly Father’s children, but you are so unique and different so I will just say “Welcome”
Member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Great Karate People in My Life

Please forgive me, if I forgot you.

  • I started with his friend Gary Brownell
  • Attempted to learn via reading
  • Joined Yakima School of Karate in 1965 (Morris Mack, Chief Instructor) Maintained for 50 years
  • 500 plus Black Belts in Yakima, WA
  • Walter Todd, we practiced in California.
  • Joe Lewis, we practiced at tournaments and seminars
  • Numerous Instructors while competing on Professional Bowlers Tour
  • Bill Wallace at tournaments and seminars
  • Chuck Norris, we practiced at tournaments and seminars
  • Jerry Salle taught in Fayetteville, AR (Kuk Sool Won)
  • John Luke and Marty Russell taught (Judo) at Fayetteville, AR (Judo)
  • Ed Parker and Robert (Bobbie) Lawrence taught in Provo, UT.
  • Chuck Norris, Chip Wright and Bob Barrow taught in Provo, UT.

The life adventures reside the most in you and the deciding must be left to you, Changes required to gain Ron’s Amazing Dynamic Beautiful Karate Story will require considerable adjustment in thinking. He has and must allow changes that are necessary to grow from good to better best to occur. Consequently, high-level personal development and high-level skill development require regularly and consistently taking upon self, correct principles. Only thru education and study can correct principles be learned. Clearly and naturally education and learning must be accompanied by diligent intelligent work, while

Ron’s Start

Morris Mack

 Ron became interested in karate as a teenager. He and his neighbor friend Gary Brownell became interested in learning karate skills. Not knowing much less understanding they began. In their callow state not even thinking much about where it might lead, they began. Yet, in their state of ignorance they began, thinking and knowing virtually little about correct principles nor intelligent work. They ordered a few books and began. Ron was aware that Morris Mack was teaching karate in Yakima. For a number of reasons, the boys did not seek out that mode of learning. One of the boys a remnant of a broken home never knew much of his father, He had two older sisters. Being the man of the family and the youngest must have been a monumental challenge, Gary later joined the United States Marine Corp and served during the Vietnam War. G. Gary was also married during that timeframe. His marriage ended in divorce. He was later married and remained married for the rest of his life. Furthermore, he did not join his longtime friend, Ron Maxey in the lifetime pursuit of Karate. Subsequently, Gary was employed by local Yakima, WA. Fire Department and enjoyed a long successful career,

Monumental Challenge

The monumental challenge constantly was in Their way. As stated earlier, Morris Mack was teaching karate in Yakima. For a number of reasons, the boys did not seek out that mode of learning. Fear, lack of resources (money), shame and lack of positive role models surely were among the reasons. Having direction and reminders make a huge difference. The silent expectations added immensely to the monumental challenge. Being expected to know what was empathically required in the families was extremely difficult for the boys. It is definitely difficult when clearly defined verbal explanation does not regularly exist.

Rules implied not expressed

They continue to resist a better way.

They continue to resist a better way. Lessons from life were so freely in front of them. Just express gratitude.

Just express gratitude.

Rather than understanding in their youth they stumbled without supervision. Without the guidance of a superior that understood, they floundered. Being stuck in the mud and lacking direction there was little progress.

Positive Influence

During this time period, Ron was also introduced to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Based on negative influence by possibly well-meaning adults lacking pure revelation and truth, Ron had been misled. In another area Ron floundered. In his youth and unfortunately like multitudes of youth and children he was misled. Fortunately, being misled and floundering can be corrected. Some of the correction that led to Ron’s Amazing Dynamic Beautiful Karate Story in finding, understanding and abiding by correct principles.

First Dojo

Ron enrolled in Yakima School of Karate 1966. At that time there were not many students regularly studying Karate at the Yakima School of Karate.

Owned and operated by Morris Mack.

Brigham Young University

Education: Techniques a

Education: One year later has been a time frame I used, as I worked toward some goal. I documented the beginning and each day of the year I reflected. 100 days worked as intermediate stages to evaluate progress and make changes as needed.

I learned that daily preparation makes the exams much easier. When I attended classes, I really listened. I determined what was really important and listed the concepts and important points in my notes. Immediately after class, I would reflect on the class as I walked to my next duty of the day. Whether the duty was another class or a needed or wanted break, I thought about the class. The objective was to learn everything from that class, before I returned to the next class.

The world is our campus

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville


Ron’s Teaching

Director of Karate/Martial Arts

Private Schools

  • Yakima, WA
  • Everett, WA
  • Provo, Utah

Member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints


Helping others make us all better.

The Website: 

Will reward everyone by:

  1. Enhancing our Joy and Happiness
  2. Increase our education
  3. Improve our karate knowledge
  4. Improve our dimensions of wellness

THE GOAL OF Karate Brand website:

Is to help everyone enhance/improve their dimensions of wellness:

DM 1. Physical 2. Spiritual 3. Intellectual 4. Emotional

5. Social 6. Environmental 7. Occupational 8. Financial

All the best,

Ron Maxey

Member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

1 thought on “Ron’s Amazing Dynamic Beautiful Karate Story”

  1. Hi Ron,
    Glenn Curtis here. I studied Doshinkan under you in Provo at BYU in 1979-1980. Your association and training, have had a major influence on me and my life ever since that time and I wanted to send you a note and just say ‘thank you’ for your kindness and all that you did for me and Tammy. After a life-changing motorcycle wreck in May of 1980, I finished my senior year at BYU and then moved to Las Vegas where I’ve lived ever since. I’m belted in 4 other martial arts styles with a Black Belt in TKD. I was a National Champion in 1992 (forms), 1993 (forms) and in 1994 (sparring) when I fought Ken Barrett (who was the current world champion at the time) and I beat him 4-3, for the 1994 ATA/TKD National Title at the Convention Center in Las Vegas. Thanks for your patience and kindness getting me started on the path of martial arts and ‘life’ and for your help getting an apartment at Cedar Crest Apts. after Tammy and I eloped in Feb. 1980. We’re still married…we have 6 kids (several are black-belts), 14 grand-kids (starting the black-belt path) and 21 horses. Hope all is well with you. Feel free to respond if you’d like, at your leisure.

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