Why Teach Karate – Awesome Experience

Why Teach Karate?

  • Learn Karate
  • Develop Leadership skills
  • Cultivate verbal powers of persuasion
  • Creation of Personal Power
  • Become persuader using powerful and graceful movement
  • Expand influence
  • Generate income

Why Teach Karate?

  • Reasons To teach: We may need to learn these lessons.
  • 1. Learning to respect. ourselves. Respect for others is the mature way to respect ourselves.
  • 2. Teaches confidence.
  • 3. Good form of self-defense. 
  • 4. Keeps kids healthy, fit, and active.
  • 5. Teaches the importance of goal setting.
  • 6. Teaches that hard work and persistence pays off.
  • 7. Builds strength and endurance.
  • 8. Teaches discipline. 
  • 9. Establishes good friendships. 
  • 12. Teaches good judgment skills.
  • 10. Develops concentration and focus skills/abilities.
  • Reasons To teach: We may need to learn these lessons.
  • 1. Learning to respect. ourselves. Respect for others is the mature way to respect ourselves.
  • 2. Teaches confidence.
  • 3. Good form of self-defense. 
  • 4. Keeps kids healthy, fit, and active.
  • 5. Teaches the importance of goal setting.
  • 6. Teaches that hard work and persistence pays off.
  • 7. Builds strength and endurance.
  • 8. Teaches discipline. 
  • 9. Establishes good friendships. 
  • 12. Teaches good judgment skills.
  • 10. Develops concentration and focus skills/abilities.
  • 11. Establishes self-acceptance. 
  • 13. Provides a release for anger and frustration.
  • 14. Strengthens the mind.
  • 15. Develops a sense of independence. 
  • 16. Improves coordination and awareness.
  • 17. Provides a mental workout.
  • 18. Relieves stress and anxiety.

Stories can teach, Lessons that matter

There are many people that attempt to teach karate with the motivation to generate income. Among those are the people that would like to generate a fulltime income. People that pay attention to generation of income understand that only a very small percentage of the people succeed in completely supporting themselves by the money earned teaching Karate.

Tell the world about it from your unique perspective. Most people will not earn a significant income teaching Karate. They lack the desire, technical skills, physical skills to provide a great example to become financially successful as a Karate instructor. Every reasonably intelligent human begin has gained a body of knowledge of which they are passionate. Tell the world about your PASSION from your unique perspective. You can earn a fulltime income by gaining skills applying a great training program. Wealthy Affiliate has a great training program and a tremendous community ready and willing to assist you in your efforts to meet your online goals.

Good Karate instructors lead students to an amazing short term or long-term positive learning experience.

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Great Karate teachers understand that many people do not have the desire or disciple to practice alone. They also understand that well organized classes and or practice sessions contain a mixture of karate skill. Well organized classes provide many exercises that develop components of fitness. Components of fitness benefit the entire body. Components also have a positive influence upon personal viewpoints. Great instructors continue to research the best training methods known to the fitness world, and we’re serious about it.

People’s health is paramount to their feeling good. With an enhancement of the components of fitness and addressing the dimensions of wellness, Karate Instructors provide students with tools to feel extremely good. Those that do not provide the instruction and tools do a total disservice to others.

Healthy bodies contribute health, happiness and a sound mind. The sound mind has to do this with cognitive processes. With only a few minutes of vigorous exercise the attitude that prevails can be changed positively. Over the years theory related to exercise has been modified. From the long slow distance theories of Kenneth Cooper’s aerobics to short burst of high almost maximum effort while hoping for similar results show changes in theory. Great karate instructors are at least open to considering the reasonable viewpoints of other educated professionals.

Some reiteration may seem like a redundant statement but reminding people of important concepts is important. Healthy bodies increase the odds of having a greater mind. Everything we do each day improves with a healthy body accompanied by a healthy mind. Life increases in enjoyment when your body and mind are in tune.

Regardless of your present fitness level, karate training with good karate instruction can help you improve in many areas of your life. If the karate instructors or people, you practice around cannot or do not help you change groups. Sometimes the change will be to search for meaning in karate alone.

Awareness and Self Defense

Self-awareness and self-defense undeniably go joined in your life journey. It does not necessarily depend on punching and kicking. Kicking and punching may be counterproductive. Going into to gun fight armed with a penknife and pencil will likely not be effective. That is especially true, when the need is heavy artillery. Proper preparation is the focus of awareness. Non-complex events that occur in people’s daily routines often turn super-complex. Non-complex to super-complex can change in an instance. Thru intelligent training that condition calmness, environmental and personal awareness the trainee can learn to handle unusual events calmly, confidently, safely and professionally. All professional karate instructors need to know how to transform this idea into reality. When they cannot they become a liability and huge part of the problem.

Stories can teach, Lessons that matter

Some people have a persuasive way with beautifully choreographed words. The power of persuasion can also be utilized with movement. The mental picture of seeing someone do a beautifully choreographed series of dance moves or a slam dunk in basketball can leave a memory on the mind that lasts for an extended period of time.

Karate instructors have an opportunity to hone their skills both in verbal power of persuasion and movement skills. Beautifully choreographed series of dance moves are possible in Karate Katas. powerful bodily movement. choreographed and skillfully performed Karate Katas.

Pigs Run teaches Chester love. Just a Story

Chester developed a love for animals on the farm.

He decided that riding a pig was the way to start to his riding career.

The story needs to be told. 

The barnyard was on the opposite side of the huge garden from the family living quarters and the small pump house. That garden provided the year’s supply of vegetables for a large family that lived in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains.  The pump house had a small stream where the twins liked to play with the crawdads.  There was a large walnut tree in the backyard between the living quarter and the pump house.  One day Chester,

If you are doing something

that you need to say I’m sorry,

don’t say I’m sorry change your


age seven, climbs on the pig and the pig starts running full throttle for that barn door, as was the norm, when someone mounted. Normally the pig would execute his jump over the boards that were at the bottom of the door with grace, precision and accuracy.  That moment was the day that the grace, precision and accuracy evelated to a new

meaning. The Smiling Pig ran a few warm-up laps around the barn-yard with Chester hanging on to Pig’s ears. No one had ever seen Pig make the warm-up laps prior to this historic day. It was definitely a day to behold and a monumental one for Chester’s riding career. Not only did it make Chester’s riding career, it was life changing day for Pig. The

reason Pig was called Smiling was because Pig always seemed to be sad.  That was about to change.

Pig started smiling as he turned up his speed and put Chester in some potential danger as he made the turns of the final warm-up lap.  Chester’s face had never been as white and were matched by his hands. He gripped Pig’s ears so tightly that it appeared that all the blood in his hands had rushed to his head to analyze what was happening in Pig’s head.  Years later, the runs featuring Easy-Goer and Sunday Silence were a delight to behold and that day  Power, determination, grace, precision and accuracy were once again evelated to a new level.  Even with Awe-Inspiring accompaning Easy-Goer as an entry the excitement and other before mentioned aspects, were no match for the display of gamesmanship on the day of Pig’s Run. 

Pig turns the last corner and heads for the barn door with Chester desperately making attempts to hang on to Pig’s ears. The moments almost at hand.  Chester and Pig have the lead.  Better stated Pig has the lead and Chester is hanging on for second.  This must be where the term crunch time was coined.  Pig appears to be headed straight for the middle of the door preparing to leap over the boards at the bottom of the door as he was accustomed to in his runs.  Pig started to giggle and suddenly side steps to his left and gracefully and elegantly sails thru the doorway.  Pig had performed like a champion and enjoying every step of the way and the mental preparation that most likely accompanies all great performances.  With Pig’s awe-inspiring, easy-going performance everyone observing the event suddenly fell into Sunday Silence on that Wednesday afternoon.

There was reason for the Silence as Pig magestically performed, although his real unbeliveable performance had not even begun.  There was a thundering crash as Chester not so elegantly and gracefully also sailed  not thru the door.  He crashed into the wall.  The music of agony and

Pig’s Performance


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