Relationships-Dealing with People

Relationships – Inside Karate


Relationships are among the most important aspects of the human experience.  People that practice karate, especially those that practice in groups, are constantly involved in relationships   The relationships start with self. That relationship is extremely important, because the better the relationship with self the probability of great connections with other people.  I have rarely, if ever,  noticed instruction that clearly taught the importance of personal relationships.   Public schools are constantly verbalizing about respect and responsibility,  but rarely clearly teach what it truly means related to interpersonal connections between individuals.  Students are treated with disrespect and a lack of responsibility to teach students by example.

It would be desirable to see karateka (people that practice karate skills) be taught how to develop great relationships at at least at a rate of speed that they develop karate physical skills.  The do (the way) in karate-do  relates to the spiritual aspects or character development in Karate.  I am not aware of a clearly written or documented doctrine related to do.  An example of written and documented spiritual  that is very developed.  It also referred to as the plan of happiness.  From what many have experienced in karate the (do) is limited to the personal philosophy, which may mean that there is no spiritual aspect in karate.  It is definitely an attempt to get students to think and act the way the instructor/s conduct themselves or want the students to believe that is the way the instructor/s behave .

The associations  with other people that are unique as compared with people that are never involved with programs that require athletic performance.   Karate may be viewed as a systematic repetitious performance that is filled with violent intent.  The observations and ideals of unlearned observers of karate or anything else is usually filled with incorrect conclusions and biased with perceptions and attitudes that are not  only based on falsehoods and superstitions. These misconceptions lead to many people missing an opportunity to discover an exercise program that varies from traditional physical education.

Depending on the philosophy of the group, or more importantly the leader of the group, that one practices with, the results may vary greatly.  In any endeavor, we engage in there is the potential for good or evil.  Karate can be a vehicle to much that is good, but also the opposite effect of good is also available.  Let us look at some of the positive.

The more skillfully designed the karate program is the more the positive benefits will be likely.  Programs that spend most of the class time involved in physical performance the probability of that health related benefits of physical fitness will be acquired.  The health related benefits are designed around the components of physical fitness. They include, but are not limited to, development of muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and movement, body composition and skill development.  Each physical fitness component requires specific training.  Properly designed karate programs will improve physical fitness related to health related to the components of fitness.

It seems to be that the relationships and the activities of karate and other martial arts programs have many positive results in the lives of karate-ka that persist in their efforts to improve physical performance and implementation of  the lessons that deal with the way they think and feel.   Many karate instructors are very good in their intentions, but attempt to teach before they have learned and lead to failure in guiding students toward becoming  the best they can be as they progress in life.  That is one among many reasons it is important to make great choices about the instructor one chooses to learn from during their karate life.

is a post about Love and Romance. 



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